Creating Itineraries in Concur

After the Report Header, Concur will prompt the user to indicate if there was per diem for the trip. Per diem would include meals and lodging. if there are any per diem meals or lodging on the expense report, Yes should be selected.

  • If Yes is selected, the user will be prompted to enter the itinerary for the trip
  • If No is accidentally selected, the user can always get back to the itinerary by selecting Details, then New Itinerary

Itinerary Info

When entering the itinerary information, keep in mind what Concur is asking: it wants each "leg" of the trip entered. The first stop or "leg" is the departure and when they arrive at the city. The second "leg" is the return to Nacogdoches (in most cases). For a trip to Houston and back, it would be entered like so: 

  1. Enter the first leg of the trip - in this case, leaving Nacogdoches in the morning and arriving in Houston 2.5 hours later

TIP: Enter the time as the following format: HH:MM: AM/PM

Do not put periods for the AM/PM. If you are instructed to enter a valid time format, look for this common mistake.

  1. Enter the information in the correct format, then click Save. You will see your first section appear on the right side of the window.
  2. Now enter the return "leg" of the trip. Of course, if there are multiple stops, you will enter them accordingly. For this example, we'll leave Houston the following day in the evening and return to Nacogdoches at night.

  1. Click Save when done and both lines will appear on the left hand side

Normal there-and-back trips will have two lines, but if the trip has more stops, there will be more lines.

  1. Click Next on the bottom right side to continue
  2. On the next page, you'll see your entries at the top section. Confirm that they are correct, then click Next on the bottom right side.

If you want to remove what you've entered and start over, click your entries on the top and click Unassign

Your entries will then move to the bottom section of the window. Click them again in the bottom section and click Delete to completely remove them

  1. The final step of this process will bring you to the meal window. Based on the dates and times, per diem meals will be calculated. The first and last days will be calculated at 75%
  2. Tick the boxes to exclude the meal from reimbursement. Meals would be excluded if they were provided a meal or have a meal that should not be reimbursed

Select the far left box of the line to exclude the whole day. In the example below, the hotel had breakfast available

  1. Click Create Expenses on the bottom right to finish the itinerary and add the meals to the expenses


If the itinerary needs to be changed, viewed, or deleted, the user can return back to Details on the top and click Available Itineraries


Article ID: 131632
Fri 4/23/21 12:35 PM
Tue 4/19/22 9:32 AM