How can I update my contact info in mySFA


How can I update my contact info in mySFA?


All faculty, staff and students can modify their existing contact info.

Note: Please keep this info up to date.  It would be a terrible problem if no one could get a hold of your family if you were involved in an emergency.

  1. First, go to
  2. Next, click on  at the top of the window
  3. Log in with your username and password
  4. Once logged in to mysfa look for “MY CONTACT INFO” in the right column

  1. Click on each one of these and make sure the info is correct.
  2. When you click on “Update Address & Phone” you get the below results
  3. If you need to update your home address or phone number just click on the purple word current.

    Do not update your Emergency Contact here

+ Update Emergency Contact  +

  1. When you click on “Update Emergency Contact” you get the below results.

  2. If you already have info here click on the existing person’s Name
  3. If you do not already have someone listed or want to add a person click on “New Contact”

  4. Fill in the necessary fields
  5. Click the “Submit Changes”  button

If you need further assistance, please contact the Help Desk  at 936-468-1212, or submit a service request.


Article ID: 61927
Thu 9/6/18 3:25 PM
Tue 10/29/19 10:07 AM