How to Assign T-Card Charges


T-Card charges are loaded into Concur from Citi nightly. The T-Card holder will receive a notification that expenses have arrived, but can also check either in the Expense tab in Concur to view them under Available Expenses, or in My Tasks under Available Expenses.


If the report is already created, the transactions can be assigned here by selecting the expenses to assign, and clicking move, then choose which report to move it to.

If the user is already working in the report, they can click on Import Expenses next to the New Expense button at the top to view the available T-Card Transactions.

From the list of available T-Card transactions, click the boxes to select the ones that go to the report, then click the move button on the far right.

The T-Card Transactions will be moved to the list of expenses on the left-hand side. Be sure to click on the expense and review the information that was brought over. Generally, much of the required information is brought over from Citi and filled in for you on Concur, but some information such as expense type or city of purchase require the user to complete it themselves. All that is left is to attach a receipt to complete the matching.


Note: To match negative transactions (credits, refunds, etc.), the user will add them to a report in the same manner as normal T-Card Transactions, but the transaction will have a negative total



Article ID: 131637
Fri 4/23/21 2:18 PM
Wed 3/16/22 3:39 PM