How to Include Lodging Exceeds


Lodging exceeds is the amount of lodging expenses that is over the allowable rate. In the past, one had to have put the exceeds onto a discretionary FOAP. If your department still wants to do this, follow the steps below to do so.


How to see Lodging Exceeds:

  1. Lodging that goes over the set per diem GSA rate will be indicated with a warning for the user and the approvers to see.
  2. To see how much lodging exceeds, click the lodging line and then click Show Reimbursable Allowances. This will show you exactly how much the daily limit is, the total, then the lodging exceeds.

  1. Once the exceeds is noted, click Done to exit the screen.


Adding Lodging Exceeds

  1. Click the lodging/hotel line total and choose Add Itemization on the bottom right.
  2. This will add another sub-expense line where an extra lodging line could be entered for the exceeds. There you can add the amount for the exceeds, make a note that it is for exceeds, then change the FOAP to the desired discretionary FOAP.
  3. Be sure to go back to the lodging sub-expense line and deduct the amount of the exceeds so that all of the itemized equals the total expense.



Article ID: 131712
Wed 4/28/21 1:29 PM
Wed 3/16/22 3:39 PM