Warnings as an Approver


All warnings are meant to note items that seem to be outside of policy or out of the ordinary. Please review all warnings and exceptions to ensure the travel request is appropriate and acceptable.

This icon indicates a warning; meaning there is something that may be out of the ordinary. Click on it to review what it is.

Warnings do not stop the user from submitting.

Examples of warnings include:

  • An expense with a transaction date outside of the trip dates
  • An expense line that may be a duplicate if it is similar to another expense line on the report
  • The amount of the expense line exceeds what was approved on the request
  • The amount of lodging exceeds the allowed daily limit

Note: Keep in mind that warnings are just meant to note something that requires review. They do not necessarily mean that the request or report should be rejected or returned.




Article ID: 132210
Thu 5/20/21 2:10 PM
Wed 3/16/22 3:45 PM