How to Create a New Internal Proposal


End User Guide containing steps to create a new internal proposal.


How to Create a New Internal Proposal (Minigrant & Competitive Award)


  1. Login to your mySFA and navigate to the Research Tab, then click on Cayuse
  2. In the top right corner in Cayuse, click Products, then select Sponsored Projects in the drop-down menu

  1. Selecting the Sponsored Projects (SP) module will open the SP Dashboard with several sections to view:
    1. Categories indicating where proposals are in the review process (red square in image below; located near the middle of the dashboard)
    2. List view of proposals based on assigned roles (red star in the image below; located near the bottom of the dashboard)
    3. Ability to start a new proposal (red arrow in the image below; located near the top right of the dashboard)

  1. Click + Start New Proposal (top right of dashboard) to begin entering proposal details. A pop-up will appear asking to specify if the proposal is related to an existing proposal or award:
    1. Create New Project: select this option if the proposal is not related to existing proposals or awards
    2. Add Proposal to Project: select this option if the proposal is related to existing proposals or awards

  1. Click Create New Project; a pop-up will appear requesting the project title
  2. Enter the Project Title following the appropriate naming convention, then click Create New Project
    1. Naming Convention: Proposal Type Abbreviation - Project Description
    2. Example: TS - Austin, TX - Music Conference

Review the linked article here for additional information on Proposal Type Abbreviations

  1. The Proposal Form will open in the same window showing various information fields to be completed
    1. Proposal Information: Title, Proposal Number (automatically generated by Cayuse)
    2. My Actions: 
      1. Complete Review: this is for reviewers/approvers with the appropriate Cayuse roles
      2. Route for Review: this is for PIs once all proposal information is entered to begin the automated routing process
    3. Proposal Summary: an at a glance and auto-populated view of proposal summary information based on fields that are entered in the proposal form
    4. Proposal Related Tabs: this displays the various sections of the proposal form such as Routing, History, Actions, Tasks, Notes, Attachments and Links
    5. Proposal Sections: contains the various sections of the proposal form that are required based on selections in the form (smart conditional logic)
      1. The red circle containing a number indicated the number of incomplete required fields for the proposal type
      2. For example, Internal Proposal Types will not require the same sections that any other Proposal Type requires
    6. Proposal Information: contains the fields that are required based on selections within the form (smart conditional logic)

  1. For Internally Funded Proposals, select Internal for the Proposal Type field

  1. From the Internal Proposal Type drop-down menu, select one of the following options:
    1. Travel Support (TS): Provides support to assist faculty with travel associated with smaller research and creative projects and to present research findings. Funds are not intended to replace departmental professional development travel funds.
    2. Project Support (PS): Provides funding to faculty for a specific research project, exhibit or creative activity (such as publish a musical composition or produce a CD). This grant is not intended to support instruction or the development or evaluation of curricular materials.
    3. Publication Support (PUB): Provides support per article to assist faculty with publication expenses related to research. Successful PUB grants must be tied to a specific, accepted publication, and related to papers accepted by peer-reviewed (referred) journals. Proof of article acceptance and page charges are required.
    4. Research Grant Development (RGD): Grant competition intended for novice grant writers or faculty attempting an application to a new sponsor. Faculty applying for an RGD grant must target a specific grant solicitation and deliver a complete, submission-ready proposal by the end of the awarded period.
    5. Research Pilot Studies (RPS): Provides support to assist faculty in imitating pilot projects to generate data for a specific project for extramural funding. Successful RPS awards must be tied to a specific research objective.
    6. Research/Creative Activity (RCA): Provides substantive support for research and creative activities and are awarded through an annual competition held each fall. These grants are intended for larger faculty research and creative projects that require more support and time. RCA awards are not for the development or evaluation of curricular materials or instructional support.
    7. Comprehensive Research Fund: ONLY to be used by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.
  2. Complete all required fields in the Proposal Information section (this includes Institutional Considerations)

  1. Project Title
  2. SFA Department Managing Award (note: this will be YOUR department)
  3. SFA Primary Contact that will manage the projects (note: the Principal Investigator, Traveler, etc.)
  4. Collaborative Units (note: any other units working with you on the project)
  5. Project Start Date
  6. Project End Date
  7. Anticipated Award Instrument (note: for ALL Internal Funding Proposals, select Internal)


  1. Proceed to the Personnel section to complete the required fields:
    1. Search for and select the PI's name
    2. Select the PI's College or Department
    3. Enter the total percentage of time they will spend on the travel or project
  2. Proceed to the Sponsor Information section to complete the required fields:
    1. For the Funding Agency field, select SFA Internal (SFA INTERNAL)
  3. Proceed to the Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Process section to complete the required fields
  4. Proceed to the Research Subjects section to complete the required fields for each sub-section:
    1. Human Subjects:
      1. If Human Subjects are included, select Yes, then enter the IRB Approval Number(s)
      2. If Human Subjects are not included, select No

  1. Animal Subjects:
    1. If Animal Subjects are included, select Yes, then enter the Species Involved with Project
    2. If Animal Subjects are not included, select No

  1. Proceed to the Research Materials section to complete the required fields pertaining to Biohazardous Materials
  2. Proceed to the Export Controls section to complete the required fields
  3. Complete all required fields in the Internal Budget section, including the Matching Details and attach the Budget Justification
    1. Budget fields in the proposal form are built with conditional logic - necessary and required fields will appear based on the proposal type
      1. Example: Travel Support will not contain the same budget fields as Project Support
  4. The final section is determined by the Internal Proposal Type selected in the Proposal Information section. Complete all required fields in the final section - the questions are different for each proposal type.
  5. Once each section has a green circle with a check mark in it, scroll to the top of the page and select Route for Review in My Actions
    1. If there are incomplete required fields, a red circle with a number will appear next to the section indicating the number of incomplete required fields



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Article ID: 147791
Mon 8/22/22 9:01 PM
Tue 8/30/22 12:24 PM

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