Who do I select as the SFA Primary Contact?


Explanation of the purpose of the SFA Primary Contact Field and what to do if you have more than one person you need to list.


Who do I select as the SFA Primary Contact?

The SFA Primary Contact should be the PI, or the submitting user. This field is used by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies in the event that there are any questions about the proposal so they know who to contact.

There can only be one SFA Primary Contact in this field; however, you can add as many personnel as needed on the Personnel Section in the Cayuse Proposal Form with the appropriate roles. You can also utilize the Access Tab in the Cayuse Proposal Form to add View and/or Edit Access to your proposal for users that you select within Cayuse. 



Article ID: 147969
Wed 8/31/22 11:58 AM
Wed 8/31/22 11:58 AM