04/07/2020 - OneNote EDU - LMS and SIS Assignments and Grade integration retirement


We are announcing the retirement of the Assignment and Grade integration between OneNote and Learning Management System (LMS) or Student Information System (SIS). OneNote Class Notebooks currently support a feature that allows a teacher to connect OneNote to LMS or SIS and create assignments and push grades to the system. We are doing this because Microsoft Teams, which also has Class Notebooks built in, supports pushing assignments and grades through the IMS Open Global Standard of OneRoster, using our new GradeSync model. We encourage schools to use this solution moving forwards.

[How does this affect me?]

If there are educators currently using this feature, they need to know that after June 30th, this will no longer be supported, and will be removed from the user interface in OneNote. This includes the "Connections" button, the "Create Assignment" button, and related features like Mapping Class Notebooks and Mapping Students. We will also be shutting down the Onenote SIS portal: https://www.onenote.com/sis

We are doing this because Microsoft Teams, which also has Class Notebooks built in, supports pushing assignments and grades through the IMS Open Global Standard of OneRoster. We encourage schools to use this solution moving forwards as many LMSes and SISes now support OneRoster. More details on how to have your provider use OneRoster GradeSync with Teams Assignments is here: Onboarding OneRoster API providers in SDS and Grade Sync.

The impacted LMSes and SISes are shown below:

  • Aeries
  • Blackbaud
  • Canvas (Instructure)
  • Brightspace (D2L)
  • Classter
  • Edsby
  • Edmodo
  • EduPoint
  • ESchoolData (Illuminate Education)
  • EDUOnGo
  • Engrade (McGraw Hill)
  • Firefly
  • Focus School Systems
  • Google Classroom
  • Infinite Campus
  • IST
  • LiveGrades
  • LMS365
  • Microsoft Teams (use "Assignments" instead")
  • Moodle
  • Myrosoft
  • PowerSchool
  • SchoolBytes
  • Sebit
  • SIMS (Capita)
  • Skyward
  • Skooler
  • Sunguard
  • Teacher Dashboard
  • Winjigo

[What do I need to do to prepare for this change?]

If there are educators currently using this feature, they need to know that after June 30th, this will no longer be supported, and will be removed from the user interface in OneNote. This includes the "Connections" button, the "Create Assignment" button, and related features like Mapping Class Notebooks and Mapping Students. We will also be shutting down the Onenote SIS portal: https://www.onenote.com/sis

We encourage schools to use this solution moving forwards as many LMSes and SISes now support OneRoster. More details on how to have your provider use OneRoster GradeSync with Teams Assignments is here: Onboarding OneRoster API providers in SDS and Grade Sync.

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Article ID: 104697
Tue 4/7/20 4:31 PM
Tue 4/7/20 4:32 PM