04/23/2020 - Get the most out of Class Notebook and OneNote

As schools continue to implement and accelerate their remote learning initiatives, we are releasing a new and improved version of the OneNote Class Notebook Add-in.  The new version of the Add-in, along with the most recent OneNote build, is expected to significantly improve your users’ OneNote experience.  Additionally, we have identified that some teachers are unknowingly creating extremely large OneNote files which is impacting performance for all your users.  To avoid impact we will be limiting the size of OneNote pages/attachments.

[How does this affect me?]

  • If your users are not already on the latest of the OneNote Desktop build, get them to move to OneNote 2016 build 16.0.12624.20382 or higher.
  • We are releasing a new version of the Class Notebook Add-in for OneNote (previously called OneNote 2016). The latest Class Notebook Add-in will be version, and it will be available for download within the next few days. We will update this MC post when the build is available.
  • Attachments within OneNote are being limited to 50 mb. If users need to insert attachments larger than 50mb, they can choose the option to upload to OneDrive and insert a link to the file.
  • Page distribution sizes are also being limited to 50 mb. If a user attempts to distribution a page in OneNote that is larger than 50 mb, they will receive an error message.

[What do I need to do to prepare for this change?]

Ensure your users have the latest OneNote build and the new Class Notebook Add-in, and that they are aware of the new 50 mb limitations.  Consider advising your users on Best Practices with Class Notebooks and OneNote.

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Article ID: 106070
Fri 4/24/20 9:08 AM
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