Moving Videos from Zoom to YouTube

Tags Zoom youtube

Download Videos from Zoom

  1. Log in to the SFA Zoom website ( and select Recordings.
  2. Select a video to download by clicking on the video’s blue topic name.

  1. Once the recording loads, several options are listed.
  2. Hover over “Shared screen with speaker view” or if you wish to include the shared screen as well as host and participant videos, hover over “Shared Screen with gallery view”. **Note: Sharing videos with student information or discussion could present FERPA and privacy issues. If your videos contain student discussion or work, we recommend sharing videos via Microsoft Stream.
  3. Click the download arrow to the right of the selected recording type. 
  4. A pop-up screen may notify you of your download. Select Save File and click OK. Wait for the file to download and find it either in the Downloads folder on your computer or the downloads section of your web browser.


Upload Video to YouTube

  1. Open and click the blue Sign In button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Log in with your Google account. (If you don’t have one, create one.)
  3. Once signed in, click the camera icon with a plus sign () in the top right corner.
  4. Select the option for Upload Video.
  5. In the pop up, either drag the downloaded Zoom video into the box or select the file using the Select Files button.
  6. YouTube will begin to process the video. Some information, like the title, will be pre-filled. Be sure to title the video accurately, give a description, and select the audience.
  7. Click Next through each of the headings (Details, Video Elements, and Checks).
  8. On the Visibility tab, select Unlisted and click Save. The video will continue to process. Processing may take a while depending on the length of the video and your internet connection.
  9. The link to the video can be found under the Edit tab.

From here, you can add the video to D2L as a single content page or as an element of a content page. Instructions for both are provided below.

Add YouTube Video to D2L as a Single Content Page

  1.  On the YouTube homepage, click your account icon in the top right corner and select YouTube Studio.

  1. Select Content on the left side of the screen, and all your previously uploaded videos will appear.

  1. Hover over the video you want to share to D2L, and click the pencil icon.

  1. The share link is located on the right side of the screen, under a preview of the video. Copy it using the button next to the link.

  1. Log into D2L. Select your course into which you want to load the video, and click Content.
  2. Navigate to the module into which you want to load the video, click the blue New button, and select Create a Link.
  3. In the pop-up window, provide a title in the Title box, and paste the link into the URL box.
  4. Optionally, you can select the checkbox “Open as External Resource” to open the link in another tab.
  5. Click the blue Create button.

Add YouTube Video to D2L as an Element in a Content Page

  1. Navigate to the content page to which you want to add your YouTube video.
  2. Click Insert Link.
  3. Paste in the link. Click Next.

  1. Click Insert (lower left-hand corner).


Article ID: 131624
Fri 4/23/21 10:25 AM
Mon 5/3/21 10:45 AM