How to Change a Default FOAP in a Travel Request

If a request is already started, you may need to change the default FOAPs to the FOAP you want to use. To do this, open the request and go to the Expense Summary tab.

Click on one of the expense lines then click Allocate on the bottom right. In the new window that comes up, click on all the expenses you want to allocate or change the FOAP then change it on the right.

Once changed, you can submit.


Changing your Default FOAP

  1. To review and change your default FOAP for the future, go into your Profile Settings in the top right

  1. On the far left, click Request Information or Expense Information

Note: changing the Default FOAP in Request will change it in Expense and vice versa.

  1. Click on the Fund and type in the desired Fund. Repeat for Org and Program.
  2. Click Save.

All future requests and reports will have the new Default FOAP added.


Article ID: 131642
Fri 4/23/21 2:21 PM
Wed 3/16/22 2:41 PM