Exceptions as an Approver

Exceptions are something with the report that is not allowed and forbids the user from submitting. So, most exceptions will not be seen by approvers, but there are some that may trigger after the report is submitted.

This icon indicates an exception, meaning there is something wrong or out of policy on the request or report and may require the approver to review or return it.

The most common exceptions that approvers may see are the following:

  • CHGEFOP - Please choose an appropriate FOP for this expenditure.

    • This exception means that there is not a FOAP entered for the request, report, and/or an expense line. The report or request should be returned to fix this.

  • One or more Cost objects could not be approved by the right authority (S-FUND-ORG). The expense report has been moved to the next workflow step.

    • This exception means that a cost object (items with a certain FOAP) were skipped because Concur could not route it to an approver. If the traveler was the Cost Object Approver (the individual who is responsible for the FOAP) then Concur will flag it but it does not require any action. If, in the rare situation, there is someone or a step is missing in the approval flow, it may require attention. Notify the Travel Office.


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Article ID: 132222
Thu 5/20/21 1:36 PM
Wed 3/16/22 2:45 PM