Available Features

Available Features

Dynamic Forms is an easy to use, user intuitive technology that does not require any technical skills to create a sophisticated, interactive paperless form.

Dynamic Forms offers the ability to customize, design and publish professional looking forms without the need for programming language. Below are some of the features and functionality available within Dynamic Forms.


At the Form Level

Form Level Settings

Certain settings can be configured at the Form Level which means it applies to an entire single form.

  • E-Signature Requirements: ability to enable e-signatures on a form.
    • Prevent Duplicate Submissions: ability to prevent an applicant from submitting a duplicate form submission.
      • Also able to set a time limit on how long before a duplicate submission can be accepted.
    • Warn the User of Duplicate Submissions: ability to warn the applicant before a duplicate submission is submitted.
      • Also able to set a time limit on how long a duplicate submission triggers a warning to user.
  • Confirmation Emails: ability to send a confirmation email after applicant submits form.
    • Custom Confirmation Emails: ability to customize the confirmation email sent to applicants after submitting form with capability to pull in dynamic values that the user has entered in the form.
  • Allow Drafts to be Saved: ability to enable drafts to be saved while an applicant is filling out a form so applicant can log in at a later time to complete the rest of the form and submit.
  • Show form Timer: ability to display a timer that shows the applicant how long they have been filling out the form.
  • Automatic Activation/Deactivation: ability to set the Date and Time for automatic activation and deactivation of the form.   


Administrative Notifications

Settings can be configured at the Form Level which notifies administrative resources of new form submissions.

  • Notification Frequency: identify how often Administrative resources should be notified of new form submissions (with each form submission, or every 24 hours).
  • Email Recipient(s): identify the emails of Administrative resources that should be notified of new form submissions.
  • Custom Email: ability to create a custom email that is used to notify Administrative resources of new form submissions.


Custom Text

Ability to customize the text displayed to applicants when accessing an inactive form or submitting the form within Dynamic Forms.

  • Inactive Text: customize the text displayed to applicants when the form is Inactive and not accessible for submission.
  • Confirmation Text: customize the text displayed to applicants after they have successful submitted the form.



Ability to send emails to form participants throughout form submission and processing.

Using Dynamic Forms Custom Email feature allows you to dynamically pull in user-entered values on the completed form to include in emails.


Participants & Workflow

Participants: Ability to identify multiple participants for a single form, meaning the form will be completed by more than one person and will be automatically routed to the next participant once the prior participant submits their section of form. Forms can be broadcast to all participants simultaneously if the ordering of signatures is not a requirement, or the form can be routed sequentially as each signature is obtained.

  • Conditional Rules can be applied to the participants to identify who the next participant the form should be routed to.

Workflow: Ability to identify the workflow of the form and how the form is routed through multiple participants based on specific conditions identified within the workflow.

  • Conditional Rules can be applied at the workflow level and at the participant level.


At the Form Items Level

Here is some high-level information around the Form Items Level Features available within Dynamic Forms. For more detailed information and how to configure these settings, please see Form Item Configurations(opens in a new window/tab).


Form Items

Items that can be included on a Dynamic Form with settings that can be configured to meet your form needs. Form Items can be found when designing a form under the “Add Item” tab.

  • Table: used to control layout and automatic spacing between form items regardless of screen size.
  • Text & HTML: ability to display formatted text; ability to modify text using HTML.
  • Image: ability to display an image.
  • File Upload: ability for applicant to upload a file within the form.
  • Signature: ability to require a Signature with or without an autofill timestamp.


Form Items to Collect Responses

Types of items used to capture an applicant’s responses or answers.

  • Short Answer: used to capture a response less than 250 characters.
  • Long Answer: used to capture a response up to 10,000 characters.
  • Date Picker: pop-up calendar control to select a single date value.
  • Choice List: select a single value from a list of values.
  • Check Box: select all applicable values by checking off selection(s).
  • Radio Buttons: select one option from list of values.


Configuration Settings for Form Items

Most form items allow you to configure detailed settings.

  • Name: technical identifier tied to the form used for conditional logic and dynamic email values.
  • Label: text displayed on form to the end user.
  • Width: ability to control the width of form item response box.
    • Note: SFA ITS has worked with SFA UMC to create a Custom CSS Stylesheet for use in ALL forms within Dynamic Forms. This CSS Stylesheet should be utilized on each form, and limits the with of the form to 900 pixels total. During your initial implementation, the Dynamic Forms ITS Team will provide your department with a Master Template for use in building out each of your future forms that already contains the CSS Stylesheet.
  • Height: ability to control the height of form item response box.
  • Required: ability to require a form item be completed prior to submitting form.
  • Hide Label: ability to hide label so it does not display on form to the end user.
    • Note: Hiding Labels is not recommended by the Dynamic Forms ITS Team if you're requiring an end user to complete the field.
  • Field Type: used to identify a specific formatted response/answer for Short Answer form items only. Below are the options:
    • Generic Answer
    • Letters Only (A-Z)
    • Letters Only (A-Z) – spaces allowed
    • Numbers Only (0-9)
    • Date MM/DD/YYYY
    • Phone Number (###)###-####
    • SSN ###-##-####
    • Email Address
    • Dollars & Cents $###,###.##
    • Dollars & Cents (Long) $###,###,###.##
    • Dollars (no Cents) $###,###
    • Prefill – based on User Profile or API
  • Minimum Length: used to require the minimum response length to be entered by the end user.
  • Maximum Length: used to identify the maximum response length to be entered by the end user.
  • Label Position: used to identify the location of the Label in relation to the response box (i.e. Left, Right, Top, Bottom).
  • Calculated Field: used to do calculations within a form based on form data or responses entered by the end users, or it can be used to display previously entered form item responses on another area within the form. Dates or numeric values can be used within the calculated fields.
    • Numeric Example: Display Total Expense =  {Expense1} + {Expense2} + {Expense3}
    • Date Example: Display Age = [Current Date] - {DateOfBirth}
  • Items Value and Descriptions: used to identify the list of response values applicable to a Drop Down List or Radio Buttons.
    • Default: ability to default to a specific value if no selection is made.
    • Manual vs API: ability to manually enter the list of values or pre-populate the list of values using an API service call.


Prefill Fields

Ability to prefill fields based on User Profile or API.

  • User Profile: ability to prefill fields based on basic user profile information such as first name, last name, CampusID, preferred name, email address, etc.
  • API (Application Program Interface): ability to prefill fields based on data available within Banner.



Ability to create conditional rules that perform validations against Form Items using IF/THEN logic to either SHOW or HIDE Form Items as a result.

Example: If an end user answers "Yes" to a question that says "Is your favorite color SFA Purple?", then we can SHOW an image of the SFA Logo, or an additional question for the end user to complete.


Repeat a Response Collected within the Form

Ability to display a response already entered by the form participant. It will prefill the field value copied from a prior response entered by the form participant. 

Example: A participant has completed their Application and on the last page is a summary of their responses. This features allows you to display (or repeat) responses, already given by the participant, in a different area of the form.


Questions? Contact the Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing PMO@sfasu.edu
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Article ID: 161716
Tue 4/30/24 1:55 PM
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