Updating Contact Information in mySFA

Your personal email address, cell phone number, and permanent address can be updated at mysfa.sfasu.edu.

  1. Click on the Contact Info button found on the mySFA homepage.

Contact Info button on mySFA

  1. Click the drop-down to expand the menu options. Use the scroll bar to view full details.

Contact Info drop-down menu

  1. Click the corresponding links to update your cell phone, personal email, or permanent address.

Contact info screen with red rectangle spotlighting link to change cell phone number.

Recommended Update Method

Students are encouraged to update their contact information using mySFA (as outlined above).

Where it is possible to edit contact information in QuickLaunch (SFA's identity management system), only changes made in mySFA will update across systems.


Questions? Contact The Help Desk: helpdesk@sfasu.edu | (936) 468-4357

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Article ID: 162721
Thu 6/20/24 1:34 PM
Tue 6/25/24 3:09 PM