For academic units:
Dean Level
This approver queue includes the dean and any associate/assistant deans.
The assistant to the dean is also included as this person may act as a proxy when assigned by the dean.
Only one person approves the proposal. That person is up to your unit to determine.
Once a person approves at this level, the Routing queue will only show the individual who approved.
If the applicant is a dean, there is no additional unit approval required.
ORGS can modify the members in the dean level queue.
Department Level
This approver queue includes the chair.
This queue is established based on Banner hierarchy. ORGS cannot modify.
For non-academic units:
This approval queue includes the director or manager.
If the applicant is a director or manager level, there is no additional unit or division approval required.
Note: If the approval queue team is incorrect, ORGS can make change to future proposals. However, at this time ORGS cannot update the queue that is already in process.