mySFA looks different on my computer and my mobile device. Is this correct?

mySFA appears different on my computer and my mobile device.  Is this correct?

Tags device computer mobile appear appearance
Asked by Jat Treadwell on Mon 6/24/24 1:57 PM
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Answer (1)

Alexis Guthery Mon 6/24/24 2:02 PM

Hi Jat!

Yes, this is correct! The new platform and redesigned mySFA portal has been updated to have a more modern look and feel. You'll also note that accessing mySFA via your mobile device will provide a different experience, as the new mySFA is device responsive so that the content flows and fits nicely on any screen! 

If you need any assistance finding anything within the redesigned mySFA, please let us know!


Best Regards!

Alexis Guthery (she/her)

Project Analyst - Project Management Office

Stephen F. Austin State University | Information Technology Services

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