Where is TimeClock in the employee tab on mobile?

I am a student employee and cannot find where the clock in/time clock feature is in the employee tab on mobile-can you help?

Asked by Elizabeth Davis on Tue 6/25/24 12:02 PM
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Answer (1)

Alexis Guthery Tue 6/25/24 12:04 PM

Hi Elizabeth!

Thank you for asking this question! The TimeClock Clock-In & Clock-Out features are only available on the Desktop version of mySFA. This is a decision made by the SFASU Payroll team. 

Best Regards!

Alexis Guthery (she/her)

Project Analyst - Project Management Office

Stephen F. Austin State University | Information Technology Services

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Thank you! I do not have easy access to a desk top at my office - Elizabeth Davis Tue 6/25/24 12:07 PM