CAPP Tutorial PDF update

Good Morning,

Under Advisor, in the HELP box, will you be updating the CAPP tutorial PDF?

Also, where will the PDF instructions be placed for the students to view?

Thank you 

Asked by Trina Menefee on Fri 6/28/24 10:05 AM
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Answer (1)

Meredith Baily Fri 6/28/24 11:02 AM Last edited Fri 6/28/24 11:04 AM

Regarding student access to the CAPP tutorials - there is a Registration Help button provided on the Registration page in mySFA which takes students to a repository of help resources including the "Degree Evaluation (CAPP) tutorial" linked PDF instructions. 

For the Advisor page view - if there is an updated link to a new PDF provided then we can change the tutorial PDF. Our team will follow up with the associated office to ask if there is an update we haven't been provided yet.

Thanks for the question! 

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