major change

where do i go to update my major as an undergrad 

Asked by Jima Gomba on Thu 1/23/25 5:24 PM
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Answer (1)

Choya Coleman Fri 1/24/25 11:33 AM

Hi Jima,

Thank you for your question!  The college that houses the major you want to switch to will facilitate the major change with you.  Here are a couple of options that are based on different situations.  Please let me know if neither of these options apply to you or if you need further clarity.

Option 1: New/Incoming Student

  • Reach out to the college of the major you want to switch to as you may not have an assigned advisor yet.
  • A list of our different colleges are located on our SFA website where you can explore each college further and find contact information on the bottom of each page.

Option 2:  Current Student

  • Reach out to your assigned advisor to guide you on who you should speak to, or you could also reach out to the advising center in the college that houses the major you wish to switch to.
  • You can find your assigned advisor in mySFA by going to the registration page.  Here are instructions on how to find your advisor in mySFA.

I hope this helps!  Please don't hesitate to reach out with any additional questions.




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