03/28/2020 - Limiting the Kaizala API usage to only org-mapped groups

We're making some changes to the Kaizala API and limiting the Kaizala API usage to only org-mapped groups, We will be making this change at the end of April.

If your organization is not using the Kaizala API you can safely disregard this message.

[How does this affect me?]

After this change has been implemented, the Kaizala API calls for private / non-org groups will not work and will fail.

[What do I need to do to prepare for this change?]

If your organization is using the Kaizala API for private/non-org groups you will need to convert your Kaizala private group to org-mapped group prior to the change rolling out.

Steps to convert your private group to an org-mapped group

  1. Login to Kaizala Management Portal and select groups (https://manage-in.kaiza.la/Group/Conversations)
  2. Click on the “Private” section on group list page
  3. Select the intended group
  4. Click “Map to organization”
  5. Click ‘OK” on the dialogue screen

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Article ID: 103810
Tue 3/31/20 3:43 PM
Thu 4/2/20 9:16 AM