What is the routing flow for my External Proposal?

What is the routing flow for my External Proposal?

Review Status Options for each step:
  • Approve: Proposal will move to the next step in the review routing process
  • Return to Development: Proposal will be returned to the PI for changes with comments provided by the Reviewer


Text for External Proposal Routing Flow (image above):
  1. External Proposal Submitted for Review by PI
  2. ORGS External Proposal Review Team Reviews proposal and provides decision (Approve / Return to Development)
  3. PI (& CoPI if applicable) Certify Proposal 
    1. Certifications can occur in any order
  4. Appropriate Teams Notified of Proposal based on triggered proposal responses (no decision required)
    1. Export Control Committee/Team
    2. IRB Committee/Team
    3. IACUC Committee/Team
    4. IBC Committee/Team
  5. ORGS External Proposal Review Team Reviews proposal and provides decision if Prime Funding Agency is indicated to be Federal (Approve / Return to Development)
  6. Department Chair Reviews (based on PI & CoPI department) proposal and provides decision (Approve / Return to Development)
  7. Dean (academic) or Director Level (non-academic) Reviews proposal and provides decision (Approve / Return to Development)
  8. ORGS External Proposal Review Team Reviews proposal and provides decision (Approve / Return to Development)
  9. ORGS Dean Reviews proposal and provides decision (Approve / Return to Development)
  10. ORGS External Proposal Review Team is Notified of proposal & takes appropriate next steps (award)
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Article ID: 147968
Wed 8/31/22 10:51 AM
Wed 8/31/22 10:51 AM