Search17 Results

End User Guide containing steps to create a new external proposal.
FAQ regarding citizenship in the Export Control section.
Explanation of the purpose of the SFA Primary Contact Field and what to do if you have more than one person you need to list.
Overview of routing process for External Proposals.
Overview of routing process for Internal Proposals.
Internal Proposal naming format requirements and list of internal proposal type abbreviations.
End User Guide containing steps to create a new internal proposal.
End User Guide containing steps to certify a new external proposal.
Explanation of how to request a status change to a routed proposal to allow changes to be made.
End User Guide containing steps to certify a new internal proposal.
Article regarding proposal deletions.
Explanation and list of Competitive Award Types.
Explanation and image examples of icons that will appear in Cayuse.
Article regarding the requirement of a Proposal Abstract for all proposals.
Explanation of automatic save functionality within Cayuse.