Installing UC700 Using Ivanti Portal Manager

Tags phone uc700

Installing UC700 using Ivanti Portal Manager

UC700 install using Ivanti Portal Manager can be completed with or without administrator privileges.

You must have a valid SFA VPN connection if offsite.


  1. In your PC Search Bar, type in "portal"


  1. Click on the Portal Manager App


  1. In the Ivanti Search Bar, type in UC700, then hit Enter on your keyboard


  1. Click Install on the UC700 App in the right pane of the screen


  1. In the right corner, you will see the status of the UC700 Installation


  1. Once the installation is complete, close Ivanti and any installation windows

  2. On your desktop, locate the UC700 Dekstop icon and double-click to open


  1. In the Login Window that appears
    1. Check the Use Windows Authentication check-box
    2. Check the Log me in when UC700 starts check-box
    3. Check the Start UC700 when I log into Windows check-box
    4. In the Server field, type:
    5. Check the Use SSL check-box


  1. Click Login

Congratulations! You are now logged in to UC700!