Faculty, staff, and students all retrieve their usernames the same way with QuickLaunch.
- Click the Forgot Username link below the green Login button

- Enter your personal email address, then click Submit

You’ll now be asked to select a verification option, click the arrow next to the option you'd like to select: Email or Text Message
Note: You may not have both options available initially, but the missing email address or phone number will show up after you add it manually to your contact information in mySFA.

A verification code will be sent to the option you chose. Enter this code in the provided text box and click Submit
To see the number you typed, click the eyeball button to the right

- Once the code is accepted, you’ll be presented with your username

OPTIONAL: If you also need to change your password, you may do so by entering a new password, and confirming your new password in this window, then clicking Submit. Remember, you can click the eyeball icons to see what you have typed. If the password was changed successfully, you’ll get a short confirmation message before being redirected to the main login prompt again.
Alternatively, if you do not need to change your password, you may close the window, or click Skip
Password Requirements
Password requirements can be viewed by hovering the mouse pointer over the i (or information) icon.
At a minimum, all passwords must be 12 characters long and must contain at least 3 of the following 5 categories:
Uppercase Characters
Lowercase Characters
Base 10 Digits (0 through 9)
Non-Alphanumeric Characters
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ' | \ ( ) { } [ ] : ; " < > , . ? /
Any Unicode Character that is categorized as an alphabetic character, but is not uppercase or lowercase.
This includes Unicode Characters from Asian languages
Your password may not be or contain your username.
You may not reuse your last 10 passwords.