Add-ins in Excel 365

Hi, I'm teaching my students how to do statistics in Excel, but we need access to Excel's Analysis Toolpak. This is easy enough to do with a local copy of Excel, but I seem to lack permissions to instal add-ins using the cloud-based version of Excel (Excel 365). What do my students and I need to do to get access to the Analysis Toolpak for Excel 365? Thanks, Lauren

Tags Office365 excel add-ins AnalysisToolpak
Asked by Lauren Brewer on Sat 2/6/21 1:27 PM
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Answer (1)

Tim Lewallen Mon 2/8/21 10:17 AM

The Analysis Toolpak add-in is cannot be installed to the online, cloud based version of Excel 365 as add-ins are not supported on that platform. For additional information please see this post in the Microsoft support forum-

Data Analysis Tool Pack on Excel Online


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