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Email (Social Media Post) sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about cyberawareness.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about a known active phishing campaign.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about a known active phishing campaign.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about a known active phishing campaign.
Explaining SFA's email filtering system and how to interface with it.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff about a known active phishing campaign.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about a known active phishing campaign.
Email (Social Media Post) sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about cyberawareness.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff about a known active phishing campaign.
Throughout the month of January 2023, ITS will be upgrading all SFA email accounts in phases to a new version of Microsoft Exchange. There will not be any disruptions or loss of data within Outlook.
How to handle falling victim to a phishing attack.
there is another active phishing attempt email being circulated among the SFA community. This email appears to come from an SFA student email account notifying the recipient of a memo from the HR Department.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about a known active phishing campaign.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about a known active phishing campaign.
Email sent to Faculty/Staff/Students about a known active phishing campaign.