Windows Workstation Reboots - 08/13/2021

SFA Faculty and Staff,


As we prepare for the beginning of the Fall semester and the return to normal operations, it is imperative all SFA owned Windows workstations be restarted in order to ensure all patching and security updates have been applied.


In order to ensure the Windows operating system is current with all patches and security updates, beginning next week, there will be up to 3 reboots per week (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday) with the reboot occurring at midnight.  This will not be a permanent change, as it is meant to ensure workstations powered off over the summer are caught up on patches. ITS will also perform a 1 time reboot August 14th at 12:01am.


We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


Article ID: 133874
Fri 8/13/21 2:40 PM